Being a greeting card writer is a very profitable job, especially when you are employed by big clubs like Hallmark and Blue Mountain. And when you add in the psychic earnings benefits - touching people's lives and in effect enjoying your job - you have a very viable work for you. But do you have these personal qualities?
Sympathy and Empathy
Mother To Daughter Poems
These are two very different, yet very related, characteristics. You cannot feel empathy if you have not in effect experienced the situation that produced the feelings of someone else but you can feel condolence even if you have only read about it.
Touching and Heartfelt Poem for Daughters - To My Daughter-in-Law Poem on 11 x 14 Double Beveled Matting (Black on White) Best
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Touching and Heartfelt Poem for Daughters - To My Daughter-in-Law Poem on 11 x 14 Double Beveled Matting (Black on White) Feature
- Printed on Bright High Quality, Colorful Artistic, Designer Paper
- Set in Acid-Free 11" x14" w/ 8" x 10" Opening Double-Beveled Mat Ready for Framing
- 100% Iron-Clad Money Back Guaranteed
- Unique/Perfect Gifts for the One You Love
- Thoughtful Gifts for all Just-Because Gifting Occasions
Touching and Heartfelt Poem for Daughters - To My Daughter-in-Law Poem on 11 x 14 Double Beveled Matting (Black on White) Overview
For Daughter: Inspiring Poem to tell your daughter how much you love her. Shower her with your love, give her a gift from the heart, and give her the wonderful gift that will be cherished for years to come. *Caption for entire poem: * Long before my little boy Was thinking about finding a wife - Long before he was climbing trees And learning to ride his bike - God planned that you would find each other And you would enter our family and Share our lives with us. He knew exactly where you would fit, Bringing strengths that would balance our weaknesses, And love, understanding, and commitment We would all feel so deeply. He knew that the richness of your character and My son s character would develop through hard times, And that a mutual trust and respect would be born As a result of overcoming trials together. He knew that we would all Laugh together, and cry together. He knew that we needed each other To hug, to teach, to share - - - And Love. He knew you would be my daughter-in-Law. He knew you would be family, And He knew you would be "My Friend".Customer Reviews
*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Mar 17, 2012 10:13:08
If you are so wrapped up in your own exiguous world, not even all the best Cross pens in the world can make you a good writer of greeting cards, or of other reading materials for that matter. You have to embrace other habitancy and their feelings!
This does not mean that you have to be everything and do everything. Often, you just need to read on various topics to collect varying frames of reference. And if you have active relationships with family and friends, you have a goldmine of emotions just waiting to be tapped and written by Cross pens at your disposal!
Openness of Heart
This does not mean that you have to be emotionally vulnerable at all times. You have to be able to open your heart to emotions that would have been thought about too "Drama Queen" or too "Hallmark schmaltzy" or "too Forrest Gump foolish" were you in less-creative and less-emotionally animated careers.
You should write from the heart if you want to touch the heart of the readers. This way, you will encourage them to touch their wallets, too. You never concept that your talent with wielding those Cross pens to write sappy poems could lead to plane finances, right?
Originality and Freshness
There are thousands of greeting card writers in the world. Your traditional and fresh ideas will make you stand out from the crowd, especially when these are witty and smart. And lest you think that you will not be recognized for your work, some clubs do rejoinder authorship of the cards!
These characteristics collect more importance when you understand that you will be writing for a very exiguous range of topics. You will have to write perhaps hundreds of cards all relating to birthdays, Valentine's Day, Christmas Day, and other holidays as well as lovers' quarrels, mother-daughter spats and other all-too-human situations. This brings up the next characteristics, which are perhaps the most important of all.
Grit and Determination
Not all writers get to have their works published on their maiden effort. Your works might be rejected over and over again, which can be quite disheartening after as your rejection mail piles up.
Nevertheless, you should never give up your writing Cross pens and paper! Instead, you have to keep on writing and writing and writing. As a greeting card writer, you cannot even put writer's block as an excuse because you have to furnish a set quota of cards. Inspiration is good but yield is better.
Of course, you will need writing talent, preferably loads of it. But without these personal qualities, your talent will be wasted.
Personal Qualities in a Good Greeting Card Writer - Do You Have Them?Define Bastard? Featuring "Upbringing of a Rock Ribbed Rose" Tube. Duration : 3.60 Mins.READD MEE : "there's nobody out there teaching a man to be a real man. theres nobody out there teaching a father how to be a real father, nobody teaching a husband how to be a husband." - snoop dogg; recording artist Some background info about the poem: As mentioned in the video, I wrote it for a poetry book my school published in fall 2008 called "Listen: Poems - Frederick Douglass Highschool Students Speak Out" Had my draft written up in about an hour or two...we were rushing! It was sponsored by Kwame Alexander and Miss Titilayo Ngenwya. Oh and by the way, if you ever get a chance to pick up the book, YOURS TRULY WROTE INFO ON THE BACK OF THE BOOK JACKET LOL (even though kwame changed it around a little). Background info about me and other things... : I was conceived in Jamaica...TMI, i know, lol but thats why i said the seed was "planted in Jamaica" (Im American born, my dads Jamaican.) The poem's metaphor also "stems" from the fact that my moms last name is Rose. So anyways... I got soo mad when I recently decided to talk to my dad about why he left and how he feels now...All he kept saying was "I don't want to dishonor your mother but..blah blah blah" everytime i asked him a question. There's no way he could POSSIBLY "dishonor" my mother by telling me why HE did what HE did. It's sad how some grown men can't even take responsibility for their actions...He kept saying he was young, this and that, like..UMMMM YOU WAS 30! oO Dont let me leave out the fact ...
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